The name of this organization shall be the New York State Association of Mathematics  Supervisors abbreviated to NYSAMS.


The purpose of this organization shall be:

A. to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas relative to effective mathematics  education;

B. to inform NYSAMS members of New York State Education Department trends  and developments in mathematics curriculum, mathematics teacher certification,  and other issues affecting the supervisory function of members;

C. to familiarize the membership with national developments in mathematics 

education, and to publicize innovative developments in mathematics education in  New York State;

D. to provide a channel for communication between mathematics educators and leaders  at all levels of mathematics education, Pre-Kindergarten to College;

E. to provide a channel for communication between members, the New York State  Education Department and others involved in mathematics education;

F. to work cooperatively with the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York  State (AMTNYS), the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the  National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM), and other organizations concerned with improving mathematics education;

G. to represent the interests of mathematics leaders and mathematics educators on the state  and national levels as determined by the Executive Board;

H. to hold a general membership meeting in conjunction with the annual AMTNYS  conference, when feasible.

I. to hold an annual Leadership Summit, when feasible.

J. to sponsor the New York State Mathematics Educators’ Hall of Fame;


A. Any person who has a dedicated interest in promoting mathematics education in New York State is eligible to become a member.

B. Any person may become an honorary member by action of the Executive Board. C. The amount of yearly dues will be determined by the Executive Board.

D. The membership year extends from September 1st through August 31st.


A. The Executive Board shall consist of the following:

1.      the officers: a President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,  and Immediate Past-President

2.      six area representatives: one from each of the western, central, northeastern, southeastern, New York City, and Long Island regions of the state and appointed by the President.

3.      webmaster, NCSM representative, a membership coordinator, an NCTM  representative, a Historian, an NYSCEA representative, and an AMTNYS representative all appointed by the President.

4.      Any additions or changes to the Executive Board shall be determined by a  majority vote of the Executive Board and unanimous vote of the officers  present at the meeting in which the proposed addition or change is made.

B. The Executive Board shall be the governing body of NYSAMS with power to enact  and implement policy. It shall meet at least twice a year, with 50% of its membership as a quorum.

C. The Executive Board shall appoint a replacement for any unfinished term of a  member who resigns or is unable to perform the duties of the office.

D. All members of the Executive Board are voting members. If a person holds dual  positions, he/she can only vote once.

E. All members of the Executive Board are responsible for promoting membership.



A.    The officers of this organization shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Immediate Past-President.

B.     The President, having been elected President-Elect the preceding election cycle, shall  be designated President at the time of the annual meeting to serve a two-year term after which the designation shall be Immediate Past-President for the one two-year period  immediately following the term of office as President. All other officers except the  treasurer shall be elected to office at the annual meeting in even-numbered years by a  majority of votes of members present.

C.     The term of office for Vice-President and Secretary shall be two (2) years.

D.    The term of office for Treasurer shall be four (4) years. The Treasurer shall be elected  at the annual meeting in an odd-numbered year.

E.     Officers will be nominated from the current membership by the nominating committee.  Nominations will also be accepted at the Annual Meeting from the membership at  large.


A. The responsibilities of the President will be:

1.      to organize and preside at all meetings;

2.      to organize and conduct the business meeting at the Annual Meeting;

3.      to appoint six area representatives to the Executive Board: one from each of  the six regions (western, central, northern, southern, New York City, and  Long Island) of the state;

4.      to appoint the other members of the Executive Board, excluding the elected  officers.

5.      to appoint all committees;

6.      to work with program coordinators from other groups in sponsoring meetings;

7.      to be a member of the nominating committee;

8.      to work with the AMTNYS Conference coordinator;

9.      to attend regional meetings, when possible;

10.  to appoint an auditor to conduct an audit of the financial record every fourth year.









B. The responsibilities of the President-Elect will be:

1.      to assist the President and to serve in the absence of the President;

2.      to be in charge of the promotion of membership;.

3.      to be a member of the nominating committee;

4.      to chair the Annual Leadership Summit and arrange a reception for the induction  ceremony for the New York State Mathematics Hall of Fame.

C. The responsibilities of the Vice-President will be:

1.      to assist the President-Elect with organizing the Annual Leadership Summit;

2.      to assist the President at the Annual Meeting;

3.      to assist the President-Elect in the promotion of membership;

4.      to promote NYSAMS participation at regional meetings;

5.      to chair the New York State Mathematics Hall of Fame selection committee.

D. The responsibilities of the Secretary will be:

1.      to take minutes of all meetings;

2.      to perform the correspondence deemed necessary by the President;

3.      to keep an accurate and up-to-date record of the proceedings of all meetings;

4.      to prepare an annual chronological listing of all resolutions passed;

5.      to send minutes to all members of the Executive Board.

E. The responsibilities of the Treasurer will be:

1.      to collect dues;

2.      to deposit all funds in a bank and keep records thereof;

3.      to prepare a financial report to be distributed at all Executive Board meetings and at the Annual Membership Meeting;

4.      to prepare a budget to be approved at the Annual Meeting;

5.      to work with the Membership Coordinator to keep an accurate, updated record of members and their contact information;

6.      to collaborate with the President in handling the finances involved at any function;

7.      to pay bills as authorized by the President;

8.      to work with the auditor.

F. The responsibilities of the Immediate Past-President will be:

1.      to serve as chairperson of the nominating committee to nominate officers for the succeeding year and to present the slate at the Annual Meeting;

2.      to facilitate continuity between successive administrations.


A. An Area Representative shall:

1.      be a mathematics leader or educator in their region;

2.      be appointed by the President.



A. The Area Representatives shall:

1.      keep the officers informed about regional events and programs;

2.      share information received at Executive Board meetings with their regions;

3.      attend regional meetings as the NYSAMS representative;

4.      submit relevant information to the Executive Board to be shared with the membership.


A. The remaining members of the Executive Board shall:

1.      promote NYSAMS membership and participation.

2.      be appointed by the President.


A. The responsibilities of the remaining members of the Executive Board will be:

1.      The Membership Coordinator shall:

a.       keep an accurate, updated record of the members and their  contact information;

b.      make the members aware of the renewal date for membership;

c.       work with the President-Elect in promoting membership.

2. The NCTM Representative shall:

a.       handle the correspondence to the NCTM;

b.      attend regional and national NCTM meetings, when possible;

c.       make NYSAMS aware of any relevant NCTM resolutions or actions;

d.      submit relevant information to the Executive Board.

3. The Historian shall:

a.       keep records updating the history;

b.      publish a history biannually, when feasible.

c.       keep a list of educators who have been inducted into the New York  State Mathematics Educators’ Hall of Fame including the date inducted into the Hall of Fame and contact information.

4. The NYSCEA Representative shall:

a.       attend NYSCEA meetings as our delegate;

b.      submit relevant information to the Executive Board.

5. The AMTNYS Assembly Representative shall:

a.       attend the AMTNYS Assembly Meetings as our delegate;

b.      submit relevant information to the Executive Board.

6. The NCSM Representative shall:

a.       handle the correspondence to NCSM;

b.      attend regional and national NCSM meetings, when possible;

c.       make NYSAMS aware of any relevant NCSM resolutions or actions;

d.      submit relevant information to the Executive Board.

7. The Webmaster shall:

a.       maintain the URL;

b.      maintain the NYSAMS website;

c.       make updates to the website as authorized by the President;

d.      share administrative rights with the NYSAMS President.



A. The general membership meeting shall take place at the Annual AMTNYS Conference,  when feasible.

B. Special membership meetings may be called at any time by the President with the  approval of the Executive Board or by written request of a minimum of 10 active  members of the organization.

C. Motions will be approved upon obtaining a majority of the votes of the 

members present at meetings.


Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the proceedings of NYSAMS in  all cases not provided for in the Constitution.


This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership present  at the general membership meeting.


If it becomes necessary, the Executive Board has the power to dissolve NYSAMS. All  assets must be transferred to a non-profit organization devoted to the improvement of  mathematics instruction.


This constitution will be reviewed every four years.